Monday, 21 September 2009

big take over two was a great night. well done to bryony for all the excellent work she put in, and to everyone that turned out, and helped put a lot of money towards the croydon rape crisis (or ripe crasis as i almost named it)

thanks especially to the rampART centre for allowing us to use it. london needs more autonomous spaces like this one, it's a real shame they may soon be evicted!

big take over three is going to be in november with social circkle, so make sure you all come along to that.

we wrote a new song at practise last night called "eclipsing apollo" which we should be recording on october 10th with sam thredder at cro's nest, along with the tracks:

"is this your world?"
"what do you know"?
"you got caught"
"enlightening innocence"
"treading water"